Oxygen safety:

Oxygen strongly supports combustion (including some materials which do not normally burn in air). Smoking is prohibited when medical oxygen is in use, and no naked flame is allowed. There is a high risk of combustion if oxygen comes into contact with oils, greases and tarry substances. Refer to the safety data sheet (SDS) before use.

Cylinder safety:

For detailed information on gas cylinder safety, please consult BOC’s Guidelines for Gas Cylinder Safety.

Medical equipment safety:

All medical equipment should only be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

How should I store gas cylinders in my clinic?

Gas cylinders should be stored in well ventilated areas, stood upright and restrained to prevent cylinders from falling which may cause injury. Cylinders should be transported on an appropriately sized trolley.

How can I order a restricted product like nitrous oxide?

A current Health Practitioner registration is required to order nitrous oxide or ENTONOX® as both products are Schedule 4 drugs. Prior to ordering a Schedule 4 product, BOC needs to review your registration and add it to your account. To request a nitrous oxide approval be loaded to your account, contact us. Once your registration has been reviewed, you will be able to order nitrous oxide or ENTONOX® for your clinic for the duration of your registration either online or through our Customer Service Centre.

How do I order liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen can be ordered online through the web shop or through our customer service centre. Many liquid nitrogen customers opt to set up a scheduled recurring delivery – contact us on 1800 050 999 if you need a scheduled delivery of liquid nitrogen.

How do I store and handle liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is stored at temperatures below -195ºC; skin contact may cause cryogenic burns or injury. When using liquid nitrogen, always wear cold insulating gloves, covered clothing and a face shield or eye protection. Liquid nitrogen must be stored in an appropriate insulated vessel such as a Dewar and must be kept in a well-ventilated area as nitrogen gas will boil off the liquid, posing an asphyxiation risk.

Can BOC set up an automatic order for my business?

BOC offers scheduled orders called ‘call plans’ where they best suit a customer’s needs. On a call plan, you will automatically receive a recurring order of the product you need on the schedule that you have nominated. To set up a call plan for a product, contact us.

Where can I find Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for medical gases

Safety data sheets can be found on the website on the ‘Downloads’ tab of the relevant product page. To search for a safety data sheet, click here.

Contact Us

General Enquiries, Hospital, Aged, Homecare and Sleepcare

1800 050 999 or email healthcare@boc.com

Benefits of online ordering

  • Buy from BOC at any time
  • Receive delivery notification emails for gas orders, advising you of the scheduled delivery date and time (AM or PM)
  • Save time - it only takes 2 minutes on average to place an order online
Learn more about online ordering