Contact Us

BOC have a broad reach across the South Pacific. Below are our main contact numbers for BOC across the region.

BOC Australia
(Head Office)

10 Julius Avenue
North Ryde NSW 2113

Ph:   +61 (0) 2 8874 4400

ABN: 95 000 029 729

BOC New Zealand

988 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland
New Zealand

Ph:    0800 111 333

BOC Papua New Guinea

Mangola Street
Papua New Guinea

Ph:  +675 472 2377
Fax: +675 472 6177

BOC Solomon Islands

Ranadi Industrial Area
Honiara, Guadalcanal
Solomon Islands

Ph:    +677 30261
Fax:  +677 30596

Customer Service

To contact our Customer Service team, please call 0800 111 333

Customer Site or Roadside Emergency

For safety advice about incidents involving gas tankers, cylinders or storage vessels.

24 hour Free Call: 0800 111 333(within New Zealand only)