MMA Welding

There are many different types of safety hazards produced by MMA welding. The main risks are from electric shock, welding fume and radiation. Hazards may be present before, during or after welding.

The MMA process produces a variety of hazards, not only to those carrying out the operation but also in many instances to others in the vicinity such as inspectors, labourers and even other welders. Some of the hazards encountered are specific to MMA welding while others are of a more general nature.

Different hazards occur before welding commences, during welding and sometimes after welding has finished. When we look at the major hazards we will also consider at what stage they may occur.

All the potential hazards need to be identified, measured where appropriate, assessed, and remedial or preventative measures put in place wherever necessary. It should also be remembered that different hazards may have the same effect on the body and so interactions between hazards should also be considered.

Types of Hazards in MMA Welding

The hazards encountered in MMA welding may be sub-divided into groups as follows:

  • Electrical and Magnetic Fields
  • Radiation
  • Heat, flames, fire and explosion
  • Welding fumes